Vitamin D the "sunshine
It's important also for our bones, as Vitamin D is necessary
to absorb calcium from the small intestine, as well as in the assimilation of
The best way to get vitamin D is to expose yourself to the sun three or more time a
weeks for about 10 to 20 min, depending on the person's skin tone, the season and the distance from the equator. It is important to understand your genetic
back ground to know the optimum level of sunlight. A person like myself who was raised in the
strong Caribbean sun will need more than a person of northern European
ancestry. In general the lighter your
skin the less time in the sun you need to spend. In addition it is important to monitor your
skin and take precautions if your skin can easily become burned. The right time of the day will be from 9am
to 4pm. This is the best way to avoid Vitamin D deficiency.
Food sources
Vitamin D in food is found in fish oil, Cod Liver Oil is the
classic source. Wild ocean fatty fish
such a mackerel, sardines, salmon, as
well caviar are also great sources.
Eggs and mushrooms
(shiitake are my favorite) are excellent
sources too.
Greek Salmon Caviar spread (taramasalata) with flax seed cracker
is delicious or Wasa Crispbread Crisp 'n Light
crackers, 2 o 3 time per weeks will be
1 Teaspoon of flax seed daily in your breakfast with your oatmeal
, arepa, juice or smoothie.
1 Teaspoon of cod liver per
Incorporate wild ocean fish into your diet