Thursday, July 3, 2014

How to hydrate our body in this Summer

How to hydrate our body in this summer

Drink plenty water, higher temperatures and  time outdoors leads to internal dehydration, which can result in headaches and dizzy spells. Keep bottle of water in your purse ( or with you) all the time where ever you go.
Slow down with the caffeine or avoid it, because coffee, energy drinks and black tea are diuretics which cause increased urination leading to dehydration.

Drink juices with Electrolytes, which  are minerals that are essential to a healthy body. Electrolytes are important nutrients for our bodies as they play key roles in sending electrical impulses that influence our heart, muscles and nerves. They also play an important role in fluid balance and hydration in our cells, tissues, and our muscles. Lack of sufficient electrolytes can contribute to muscle cramps, delayed muscle soreness and for some can contribute to headaches.  However, electrolyte levels can be maintained by including fruits and vegetables that are high in electrolytes in your diet.

If you exercise frequently make sure to drink 16-20 oz of an electrolyte-rich beverage such as coconut water or electrolyte-rich juice, prior to exercising instead of waiting until after your work out. 

What foods contain electrolytes?
Foods that are naturally higher in electrolytes include all plant-based foods, but particularly fruits and vegetables, rich in potassium, calcium  and magnesium.

List of vegetables and fruits high in electrolytes:
Swiss chard, bock Choy, kiwi, cucumber, romaine lettuce, coconut, artichokes, celery, kale, bananas, beets, oranges, carrots, watercress in fact all the  green leafy vegetables.

I highly recommend drinking green juices;  it will keep you hydrated and replenish your minerals. Here are a few of my recipes:

Refreshing green juice:
1/2 cucumber
1 handful romaine lettuce
1/2 cup pineapple
1 handful spinach.

Use a juicer or  a vitamix

Three in One (tres en uno):
1 carrot
2 small beets
2 fresh  orange juice

Add ingredients through juicer

Holy Coconut smoothie:
1/2 cup coconut milk or raw coconut meat
1/2 cup coconut water
1 handful watercress
3 chunks of pineapple
1 stevia (additional)

Use a blender or Vitamix

Cooling juice:
3 stalks celery
2 kiwis
1 delicious apple
1 cup young coconut water

Use a juicer or  a vitamix