Monday, November 3, 2014

Milk and dairy; is it good for you?

Milk and dairy; is it good for you?

The answer is NO!  My view is that no adult human should drink milk.  Further, I don’t believe it is healthy to consume more than a small amount of any dairy products. We are raised with the idea that milk is important in our diet because it contains calcium and we need calcium to strengthen our bones.  The dairy industry has been the main proponent of this view, even if there is little scientific evidence that consuming dairy will lead to higher calcium content in our bones.  Milk is often promoted as a key way to fight osteoporosis but Americans have the highest rate of osteoporosis in the world despite also consuming the most dairy of any country.  All of this is a big lie, designed by the dairy industry to promote the interests of the dairy industry to grow their business and maximize profits.  

The industry talks about the benefit of getting calcium through the milk (which is debatable) but neglects tell to us about how harmful it can be for our health.

Humans are the only mammals that consume milk after the age of 2.  Mother's milk is the only milk that humans need and only in the beginning  of our lives.  Mother’s milk helps to build a strong immune system and is an excellent source of nourishment.

But what happens when humans drink the milk of another animal?  What happens when that milk is pasteurized? Fresh raw milk from cows, goats, and sheep may have a number of nourishing qualities and nutrients but it has a completely different chemical composition than human milk.  Further it lacks the human energy field, the human vitality, the human quality. When this milk is pasteurized, homogenized, and even worse when synthetic vitamins are added to it, we can be certain that it is a totally different substance from the one that goes directly from the human mother's nipple to her child's mouth.

Milk sold in stores is a pasteurized product, it is processed. What does this mean? Well it means that to kill all bacteria that milk has, it is heated at high temperatures.  This process does kill bacteria, some of which can cause illness, but it is also kills all the enzymes and good bacteria, so you are not putting the nutrients unprocessed milk contains into your body.   By consuming milk you are actually causing your body to waste your enzymes while digesting it.  This can weaken your body and interrupt vitality. 

We can't go against nature, if we continue consuming dairy we will suffer the consequences. To understand it better, examine the composition of a cow’s milk, you will see cow’s milk has a very different composition from human milk. Casein is an awful protein contained in milk that coagulates in our stomach and makes it difficult to break it down, wasting our energy and enzymes.  Also dairy creates mucus, clogging our body.  It's an acid forming food and continuing to consume it won't help to lose weight.  Also the consumption of dairy products, including milk, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream, appears to be  strongly linked to various disorders of the female reproductive system, including ovarian tumors and cysts, vaginal discharges and infections.  For you guys out there, in 2001 The University of Harvard released a research study that found men with a high intake of dairy products had approximately double the risk of prostate cancer.The American practice of homogenizing milk, and then fortifying it with synthetic vitamin D, which encourages calcium deposits, may be among the reasons why very young children in this  country already have hardening of the arteries.

For those who love cheese like me it can be hard to avoid.  The best choices are raw cheeses because they contain enzymes and beneficial bacteria (probiotics). Raw goat milk cheeses contain 13 percent more calcium, 134 percent more potassium and 47 percent more vitamin A than cow's milk.  Raw Organic Sheep Milk is my other healthier option.  Sheep milk and its products are widely consumed in other parts of the world, especially in the Mediterranean. This milk is richer in protein than cow or goat's milk.  Greek Feta cheese and Italian ricotta traditionally are made from sheep's milk. 

Of course eat those animal products in "Moderation". Happiness through well-being.

The good news is that there are plenty of alternatives to milk products.  My preferred way to get my calcium is leafy greens ( broccoli, collards, kale, parsley, watercress); I especially like to make a green juice to take first thing in the morning.  Other sources include grains, beans and nuts,  sesame seeds and sea vegetables (agar, dulse, hiziki, kelp, kombu, wakame), soups made with fish bone like sardines. 

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