Monday, November 3, 2014

Milk and dairy; is it good for you?

Milk and dairy; is it good for you?

The answer is NO!  My view is that no adult human should drink milk.  Further, I don’t believe it is healthy to consume more than a small amount of any dairy products. We are raised with the idea that milk is important in our diet because it contains calcium and we need calcium to strengthen our bones.  The dairy industry has been the main proponent of this view, even if there is little scientific evidence that consuming dairy will lead to higher calcium content in our bones.  Milk is often promoted as a key way to fight osteoporosis but Americans have the highest rate of osteoporosis in the world despite also consuming the most dairy of any country.  All of this is a big lie, designed by the dairy industry to promote the interests of the dairy industry to grow their business and maximize profits.  

The industry talks about the benefit of getting calcium through the milk (which is debatable) but neglects tell to us about how harmful it can be for our health.

Humans are the only mammals that consume milk after the age of 2.  Mother's milk is the only milk that humans need and only in the beginning  of our lives.  Mother’s milk helps to build a strong immune system and is an excellent source of nourishment.

But what happens when humans drink the milk of another animal?  What happens when that milk is pasteurized? Fresh raw milk from cows, goats, and sheep may have a number of nourishing qualities and nutrients but it has a completely different chemical composition than human milk.  Further it lacks the human energy field, the human vitality, the human quality. When this milk is pasteurized, homogenized, and even worse when synthetic vitamins are added to it, we can be certain that it is a totally different substance from the one that goes directly from the human mother's nipple to her child's mouth.

Milk sold in stores is a pasteurized product, it is processed. What does this mean? Well it means that to kill all bacteria that milk has, it is heated at high temperatures.  This process does kill bacteria, some of which can cause illness, but it is also kills all the enzymes and good bacteria, so you are not putting the nutrients unprocessed milk contains into your body.   By consuming milk you are actually causing your body to waste your enzymes while digesting it.  This can weaken your body and interrupt vitality. 

We can't go against nature, if we continue consuming dairy we will suffer the consequences. To understand it better, examine the composition of a cow’s milk, you will see cow’s milk has a very different composition from human milk. Casein is an awful protein contained in milk that coagulates in our stomach and makes it difficult to break it down, wasting our energy and enzymes.  Also dairy creates mucus, clogging our body.  It's an acid forming food and continuing to consume it won't help to lose weight.  Also the consumption of dairy products, including milk, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream, appears to be  strongly linked to various disorders of the female reproductive system, including ovarian tumors and cysts, vaginal discharges and infections.  For you guys out there, in 2001 The University of Harvard released a research study that found men with a high intake of dairy products had approximately double the risk of prostate cancer.The American practice of homogenizing milk, and then fortifying it with synthetic vitamin D, which encourages calcium deposits, may be among the reasons why very young children in this  country already have hardening of the arteries.

For those who love cheese like me it can be hard to avoid.  The best choices are raw cheeses because they contain enzymes and beneficial bacteria (probiotics). Raw goat milk cheeses contain 13 percent more calcium, 134 percent more potassium and 47 percent more vitamin A than cow's milk.  Raw Organic Sheep Milk is my other healthier option.  Sheep milk and its products are widely consumed in other parts of the world, especially in the Mediterranean. This milk is richer in protein than cow or goat's milk.  Greek Feta cheese and Italian ricotta traditionally are made from sheep's milk. 

Of course eat those animal products in "Moderation". Happiness through well-being.

The good news is that there are plenty of alternatives to milk products.  My preferred way to get my calcium is leafy greens ( broccoli, collards, kale, parsley, watercress); I especially like to make a green juice to take first thing in the morning.  Other sources include grains, beans and nuts,  sesame seeds and sea vegetables (agar, dulse, hiziki, kelp, kombu, wakame), soups made with fish bone like sardines. 

Thursday, July 3, 2014

How to hydrate our body in this Summer

How to hydrate our body in this summer

Drink plenty water, higher temperatures and  time outdoors leads to internal dehydration, which can result in headaches and dizzy spells. Keep bottle of water in your purse ( or with you) all the time where ever you go.
Slow down with the caffeine or avoid it, because coffee, energy drinks and black tea are diuretics which cause increased urination leading to dehydration.

Drink juices with Electrolytes, which  are minerals that are essential to a healthy body. Electrolytes are important nutrients for our bodies as they play key roles in sending electrical impulses that influence our heart, muscles and nerves. They also play an important role in fluid balance and hydration in our cells, tissues, and our muscles. Lack of sufficient electrolytes can contribute to muscle cramps, delayed muscle soreness and for some can contribute to headaches.  However, electrolyte levels can be maintained by including fruits and vegetables that are high in electrolytes in your diet.

If you exercise frequently make sure to drink 16-20 oz of an electrolyte-rich beverage such as coconut water or electrolyte-rich juice, prior to exercising instead of waiting until after your work out. 

What foods contain electrolytes?
Foods that are naturally higher in electrolytes include all plant-based foods, but particularly fruits and vegetables, rich in potassium, calcium  and magnesium.

List of vegetables and fruits high in electrolytes:
Swiss chard, bock Choy, kiwi, cucumber, romaine lettuce, coconut, artichokes, celery, kale, bananas, beets, oranges, carrots, watercress in fact all the  green leafy vegetables.

I highly recommend drinking green juices;  it will keep you hydrated and replenish your minerals. Here are a few of my recipes:

Refreshing green juice:
1/2 cucumber
1 handful romaine lettuce
1/2 cup pineapple
1 handful spinach.

Use a juicer or  a vitamix

Three in One (tres en uno):
1 carrot
2 small beets
2 fresh  orange juice

Add ingredients through juicer

Holy Coconut smoothie:
1/2 cup coconut milk or raw coconut meat
1/2 cup coconut water
1 handful watercress
3 chunks of pineapple
1 stevia (additional)

Use a blender or Vitamix

Cooling juice:
3 stalks celery
2 kiwis
1 delicious apple
1 cup young coconut water

Use a juicer or  a vitamix

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Exercise can be powerful complement to your health.

Exercise can be a powerful complement to your health.

"Exercise makes you strong" Yes, exercise improves your circulation, reinforces your heart and lungs. Helps to maintain your focus which is essential to achieve your daily goals.  Exercise can boost your mood, improve your sex life, help control weight and help to prevent diseases like diabetes, arthritis, cancer, stress  and even depression.

Exercise is essential to maintain your health.

Do the exercises that you like:
First,  you need to know the most important thing,  you don't have to be an athlete to be able to exercise and be in good healthy shape.

Second, schedule your physical activity. People have a busy life and for many of us if it is not on the calendar it won't get done. 

Finally, if you are  a person that does not  exercise frequently, look for what you like and find something you enjoy;  don't push yourself into a gym if you don't know what to do once you are there.  I recommend finding a physical activity where you can feel motivated and energetic, it doesn't have to be a sport, dancing is great exercise.  Invite a friend  maybe that can help you to push yourself to do it.   

As an exercise lover,  I have tried many different sports, gyms, dancing and cardio classes.  After a few years  I found what I consider to be a good balance for me as a  energetic  person.  I enjoy my yoga classes,  normally I do yoga once a week to improve my flexibility, sharpen my focus and to help me calm down after a crazy day.

 Capoeira, is my newer style of training.  I'm still a beginner but I have found  It's a great way to exercise, improve your  balance, coordination, concentration,  burn fat, focus and give you a well toned and lean body.  

What is Capoeira?  Capoeira was born in Brazil, originally created by the slaves from Africa and refined in unique mix of cultures found only in Brazil. It's a martial art that combines element of dance and music. The game is marked by fluid acrobatic play, feints, and extensive use of sweeps, kicks, and head butts.  Hot celebrities practices this amazing work out like Ricky Martin, Halle Berry, Adriana Lima and Gisele Bundchen , Alex Meraz from Twilight.  To really excel you need to practice this 5-6 times a week but with my busy schedule I usually only practice 3-4 times a week.  It is a really good sweat, a lot of fun and helps you focus all the time.  

I'm practice Capoeira in Nago Academy  Martial art & Fitness, with Andre Gusmao (owner) he started Capoeira when he was 14 years old in Brazil and since then  he has never stopped.  He opened his Academy  in June 2011, it is now a fitness center where you can find different ways to exercise, from Capoeira to Yoga and Conditioning classes (mix of cardio, weight, type of training where you always will be training different muscles, making you stronger and getting in shape in less time). 

Combining the right food with exercise will give you the healthy body and mind that you always wanted. Food plays a very important roll in this process, a balanced meal ( good fats, good carbs, protein and vegetables) is the key to looking Fabulous.  Healthy habits are not easy, you need to work hard, stay disciplined and educate yourself about a healthy life style.  Combining all of this without going crazy and not forgetting to enjoy your guilty pleasures once in a while.   

Remember a  pill or drug can make you lose weight for a short time but only good food and exercise will give you energy, healthy skin and hair and make you look young and fabulous for a long time.
Nothing is better than to provide your body healthy food and exercise, it keep you young, happy and rejuvenate you from the inside out. 

Special thanks for part of the information to my friends Andres and Bruno Gusmao. Visit:

The perfect place to get in shape and rock your body this spring-summer. 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

February is the month of the Heart, the month of Love yourself first!

 Love yourself first, taking care of your heart. It means check what are you eating? ask yourself if you are providing to your heart the right  food? Are you living with stress constantly?  Are you doing something to combat that stress? Are you doing any physical activity?  Are you happy?

Heart disease is caused by a few factors related with lifestyle, such as high cholesterol, obesity, high blood pressure, stress, drugs and smoking.

Let's start with the food, consume a low- fat diet  rich in omega 3 with unsaturated fat such a salmon, olive oil, avocado and nuts.  Omega 3 can improve cholesterol levels and help reduce the risk of heart attacks.

Consuming Flavonoid in fruits, vegetables and red wine can also help protect against heart attacks. This powerful antioxidant may delay the breakdown of artery-clogging cholesterol that contributes to heart disease.

The garlic and onion family may protect against cardiovascular disease as well. 

Increase your intake of fiber and soy food, fiber has been show to improve heart health by reducing harmful LDL cholesterol. The soluble fiber in oats, beans and flaxseed are especially beneficial. The soluble fiber in flaxseeds forms a gel in the intestine, helping trap and usher out harmful LDL(bad)  cholesterol particles. To get the most out of flaxseeds, grind them in a coffee grinder.  Oatmeal can prevent the restricted blood flow in arteries that is typical after a high-fat meal and is a symptom of heart disease. The soluble fiber in oats is believed to slow the absorption of fat into the bloodstream, as well as suppress cholesterol absorption in the digestive tract.

Berries are tiny powerful antioxidants, they contain fiber, folate, phytochemicals, which may reduce the risk for developing heart disease and cancer.

Mushrooms are healing food, they have B vitamins, niacin and riboflavin; all these compounds fight heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, migraine and viral infections. Just 4 ounces of fresh shiitake mushrooms a week can reduce cholesterol.

Explore the Cabbage family; bok choy and brussels sprouts may help to fight off heart disease and cancer.  They contain antioxidants that may protect cells from free-radical damage.  They also they contain folate, an important B vitamin that has been shown to reduce the incidence of cancer and lower heart disease risk.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle!  It's a key to keep our heart happy and functioning well. Everyone have stress, we need to learn new ways to deal with the anxiety and stress of our lives.  You can control stress through exercise, meditation, dance class, capoeira, yoga, pilates, TRX or any activity that keeps you moving and makes you sweat.  Of course it will also help maintain a healthy weight and body.  Focus on creating calm in your life, it is not easy but if we want it we can find it, everything is in your mind.

Laughter makes your heart happy! Laughing keeping you young and healthy? It’s true, thinking positive, living an energetic or active life keeps you young. My grandmother Africa always has a party inside her, enjoying life everyday!  This is why I'm always smiling and laughing; its genetic LOL!. My grandmother laughs a lot and loves to dance and I think that is one key to keeping her healthy and well. 

§Laughter also triggers healthy physical changes in the body. Humor and laughter strengthen your immune system, boost your energy, diminish pain, and protect you from the damaging effects of stress thus improving your resistance to disease.

§Laughter protects the heart. Laughter improves the function of blood vessels and increases blood flow, which can help protect you against a heart attack and other cardiovascular problems.  Best of all, this priceless medicine is fun, free, and easy to use.  

"The goal is to help people live longer, healthier lives".

Friday, January 10, 2014

Healthy Tips to start this 2014 for staying young and beautiful.

The Holidays are over!  Let's start detoxifying and have a health party for our body

·         Keep it simple! Good food will nourish us without causing stress. It is about what we eat, but also what we don't eat, that helps us become healthy and with the right energy to do the best performance.

·         Here are a few steps to start this 2014 taking care of our best friend OUR BODY, the one that carries our soul, our energy.
·         Eat quality food. Organic, fresh, raw and local if you can.  
·         Eliminate any processed and canned food, sugars, milk products, and maybe the hardest of all -- alcohol.
·         Fast, 1 day of fast is equal to 50 days of rejuvenation a year.
·         Juice , the fresh raw kind, not what they sell at the store, start every day with it and make it the first thing you put into your body. Try a green juice - mix with apple, pear or orange to make it tasty or more likable.
·         Vegetable Broth, add  Kombu (sea vegetable, it contains  minerals and enzymes).
·         Eat grains and beans, root vegetables, pickles and fermented food.  
·         Nuts and seeds (moderate)
·         Try Gluten Free Meals
·         For those that are not vegan or don't want to cut out all the animal products, eat small amounts of light animal proteins at night.
·         Stop iodized salt, instead use pink salt or not salt at all.
·         Consume chlorophyll, it resembles our red blood cells and cleans our blood and increases the level of oxygen. Oxygen is the carrier of life.  It is more effective when combined with exercise or a physical activity. It keeps your weight and energy at a comfortable level.
·         Stop with the processed food, stop with the refined products eliminate the food in a box for the microwave – eat real food, fresh, local, seasonal, perfect portion, balanced, eat everything the nature provide you and you will feel fabulous, your mood will improve and your skin and organs will thank you.   You are what you eat.
·         Eat healthy snacks, like seaweed, nuts, apples, dried fruits. 

·         Do this at least 7 days to flush out the built up toxins and impurities, it will improve blood flow and metabolism to increase your energy and extend life.

·         Be patient, positive and persevere. Put those 3 powerful  words in your mind every day and you will achieve your goal. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Colesterol y la conexión con la grasa saturada

Colesterol y la  conexión  con la  grasa saturada

Los productos de origen animal son generalmente altos en las grasas saturadas y colesterol (una sustancia grasa relacionada necesaria para la buena salud). El colesterol es manufacturado  ya sea por el cuerpo o se consume en productos de origen animal. Dentro del cuerpo, este  se encuentra en el cerebro y en el sistema nervioso, el hígado, la sangre, y en un pequeño grado en otros tejidos del cuerpo. Se utiliza para formar las hormonas sexuales y suprarrenales, la vitamina D y bilis, que es necesario para la digestión de las grasas.

Es evidente que una de las principales causas del exceso de colesterol en el cuerpo es el consumo excesivo, pero hay otros: las grasas saturadas en la dieta, aumenta en gran medida la producción de colesterol en la sangre, otros factores que contribuyen son el estrés, el tabaquismo y el consumo de café y el azúcar refinada . El colesterol en la sangre crónicamente elevada conduce a la arteriosclerosis (endurecimiento y engrosamiento de las arterias) así como otros problemas circulatorios, incluyendo enfermedades del corazón, presión arterial alta y el riesgo de coagulación excesiva.

 Sugerencias para minimizar la acumulación de grasa saturada y colesterol

Eliminar por completo el arroz blanco, harina blanca refinada, productos refinados, el azúcar blanco, chorizo, tocino, mayonesa y aceite de maíz hidrogenado. Los huevos, la mantequilla, el camarón, la carne roja, los alimentos fritos, leche de vaca y derivados. Queso (evitar o usarlo con moderación: el queso es alto en colesterol y es uno de los alimentos más ricos en grasa saturada). Todos estos alimentos elevan el colesterol,  triglicerios y hacen daño a las arterias.


Nutrientes específicos que reducen el colesterol y la grasa saturada en la sangre y las arterias son la lecitina, vitamina E, C y niacina. Estos nutrientes funcionan de forma eficiente en la limpieza de las arterias cuando se ingiere en la comida. La lecitina se encuentra en la mayoría de las leguminosas, especialmente la soja y el frijol mungo son recomendadas por la medicina china, también todos los frijoles, guisantes y lentejas. Fibra en las plantas y  en particular  el grano entero, ayuda a reducir la grasa en la sangre y prevenir el endurecimiento de las arterias.
Granos no procesados son también una excelente fuente de niacina, y todos ellos contienen el tipo más fresco de  vitaminas en sus aceites.
Chlorella en jugos,  contiene 20% de ácidos grasos, omega 3  que son  los que limpian las arterias, variedad  en alfa-linolénico, tal vez esto es una de las razones por la cual la Chlorella ha sido eficaz en la reducción de colesterol en el cuerpo y la prevención de la aterosclerosis.

Que incorpora a sus comidas diarias para reducir el colesterol o mantenerlo estable?

Legumbres: Mung y soja, también tofu. Los frijoles negros, garbanzos, guisantes, lentejas, hamburguesas vegetarianas (hechas de habas de soja, mijo, frijoles, gabanzos o lentejas).

Cereales integrales: Quinoa, arroz integral, mijo, semillas de trigo, avena, amaranto, trigo sarraceno.

Verduras y frutas: 3 de taza de verduras al día, lechuga, espinaca, col rizada, acelga, rábano, la familia de la  cebolla (ajo, la cebolla, el ajoporro, cebollin) lavarlas  bien con vinagre orgánico. La col rizada  (importante incorporar en las comidas). Coma brócoli, zanahoria, tomate, repollo, espárragos, apio, plátano, champiñones, pepino. Las manzanas, naranjas, uvas, guayabas, piñas, mangos, aguacates, fresas, las bayas de goji las cuales  relajan las arterias y previenen los ataques al corazón.

Frutos secos y semillas rico en vitamina E, aceite de Omega 3 y Lecitina: Almendra, avellana, semillas de lino, semillas de chía, las semillas de calabaza, nueces y girasol.
Productos de origen animal, fuente de aceite de Omega 3: sardinas, el salmón, la caballa y otros peces de aguas profundas. La miel cruda (es el único edulcorante que reduce la acumulación de grasa en el sistema vascular) y el polen de abeja.

A continuación les presento algunas recetas y consejos en las cuales pueden   incorporan algunos de los ingredientes que mencione anteriormente.

Desayuno saludable para el colesterol:


1) ½ taza de copos de avena, 1 taza de agua 1 taza de  leche almendras, anacardo o merey, 2 nueces de Brasil (si no es alérgico a los frutos secos). 1 cucharada de miel cruda o pura (sin procesar) o stevia. 2-3 cucharada de granos de trigo (remojar durante la noche), 1 cucharada de semillas de lino, 1 rebanada de pan sin gluten. Podría ser escanda o pan de quinoa. Si no consiguen pan sin gluten, el pan integral es la proxima opcion saludable.
 2) 1 taza de bayas de trigo, 4 cucharadas de yogurt griego, 1 cucharada de bayas de goji o su  fruta seca favorita. ½ manzana pequeña picada, 1 cucharada de miel cruda o 1 Datil en pedacitos (Lybyan es parte del azúcar que se encuentra en los datiles la cual fue demostrado tener propiedades antitumorales potentes. Otra azúcar en los datiles es  beta-D-glucano, la cual  regula el colesterol y los niveles de azúcar en la sangre al disminuir la absorción intestinal de la glucosa). Nueces, si usted no es alérgico a ella.

Bebida  de Avena:

 ½ taza de avena y 1 taza de agua, dejar en remojo durante la noche en la nevera. Por la mañana, poner esto en la licuadora y agregar 1 cucharadita de semillas de lino y miel cruda pura. Usted puede agregar  leche de almendras la cual  contiene calcio, es rica en vitaminas y minerales. Añadir 2 nueces brasileñas (remojadas de agua en la nevera la noche anterior) estas  contienen un alto nivel de antioxidantes. También puede agregar Merey, que son ricos en proteínas y tiene propiedades que ayudan a reducir la absorción de colesterol. Tal vez uno de los principales beneficios para la salud es su capacidad para ayudar a  superar la depresión.

Smoothies, usted puede crear su propia receta  combinando sus  frutas favoritas y añadir chlorella.

 Tuny smoothie: 1 cucharada de chlorella, 1 puñado de uvas, 1/2 cambur, 1 manzana.

Potente smoothie antioxidante: 1 cucharada de Chlorella, 2-4 nueces brasileñas remojados durante la noche, 1 taza de almendras o leche de merey, 2 datiles, 4-5 fresas, 1 puñado de bayas de goji, 1/3 taza de moras azules.

 Algas-berries  Smoothie:1 cucharada de chlorella, agua filtrada, 1 cambur, 4-5 fresas, 1 puñado de arándanos,  1 cucharada de gojis.

Smoothie verde-banana: 1 cucharadita de chlorella, 1 cambur, 1 taza de agua filtrada, el zumo de 1 naranja, 1 cucharada de semillas de lino molidas.

Comer bayas de goji:

• Los estudios de caso muestran que las bayas de Goji pueden impedir el crecimiento de células cancerosas, reducir la glucosa en sangre y los niveles de colesterol.
• Protege el hígado, Ayuda a  la función renal, quema la grasa y ayuda a la digestión.
• Promueve la longevidad.
• Rico en antioxidantes.
Saborear cada baya individualmente o añadir a los cereales fríos y calientes, licuarlas con  jugos de frutas, mezclarlas con frutos, semillas secas y comalas como merienda o en  barras de frutos secos.

Utilice una sal de calidad: sal marina, sal rosada del Himalaya.
Hierbas: el perejil, el romero (ayuda la digestión y  también es anti-inflamatorio).
Guacamole saludable:

Porción 2 1/2 tazas (10 porciones de 1/4 de taza)
Los guisantes en este ayudan a reducir la grasa sin disminuir los sabores. 1 taza de guisantes verde (peti puas) 2 aguacate pequenos maduro o 1 grande, 1 diente de ajo picado, 2 cucharadas de cebolla finamente picada,1 cucharada de pimiento rojo y  1 cucharada de pimenton verde bien picaditos, 1 jalapeño pequeño picado, jugo de 1 limón, 1 cucharada de cilantro fresco, sal 1/4 cucharadita. Si utiliza guisantes frescos o congelados, cocinelos parcialmente en agua hirviendo durante 1 minuto para que se ablande, y luego enfriarlo con agua fría y escurralos. Pelar el aguacate y cortar en trozos grandes. Haga puré el aguacate y los guisantes junto con un machacador de papas o un tenedor, o si desea una textura más cremosa, utilize el procesador de alimentos. Agregue la salsa, el ajo, la cebolla, el jugo de limón, el cilantro y la sal. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Cholesterol Connection

Cholesterol Connection/Saturated Fat

Animal products are generally high in both saturated fats and cholesterol (a fat-related substance necessary for good health). Cholesterol is either manufactured by the body or consumed in animal products. Within the body, it is found in the brain and nervous system, liver, blood, and to a small degree in other body tissues. It is used to form sex and adrenal hormones, vitamin D, and bile, which is needed for the digestion of fats.

Clearly, a major cause of too much cholesterol in the body is its overconsumption, but there are others: saturated fats in the diet greatly increase the manufacture of blood cholesterol; other contributing factors are stress, cigarette smoking, and consumption of coffee and refined sugar. Chronically elevated blood cholesterol leads to arteriosclerosis (hardening and thickening the arteries) as well other circulatory problems including heart disease, high blood pressure, and risk of excessive clotting.

Suggestions for Minimizing Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Buildup

Reduce refined products as much as possible, it is best to eliminate completely white rice, refined white flour, white sugar, sausage, bacon, mayonnaise and hydrogenated corn oil . Reduce your consumption or eggs, butter, shrimp, red meat, fried foods, cow's milk and derivatives.  Cheese (avoid it or use it sparingly: cheese is high in cholesterol and is one of the richest foods in saturate fat).  All these foods raise the cholesterol and triglycerides and do damage to the arteries.


Specific nutrients that reduce cholesterol and saturated fat in the blood and arteries are lecithin, vitamin E and C, and niacin. These nutrients function efficiently in cleaning the arteries when taken in whole food. Lecithin is found in most legumes, especially soybeans and mung beans, which are recommended by Chinese medicine.  In general all beans, peas and lentils will help.  Plant fiber, particularly found fiber in whole grains, helps to reduce fat in the blood and prevent hardening of the arteries.  Unprocessed grains are also an excellent source of niacin, and they all contain the freshest type of vitamins in their oils.

Chlorella in juices,  20% is fatty acids, these are the artery-cleansing, omega 3, alpha-linolenic variety; perhaps this is one reason chlorella has been shown to be so effective in reducing cholesterol in the body and preventing atherosclerosis.

Incorporated to your daily meals:

Legumes: Mung and soybeans, sprouts, also tofu. Black beans, kidney beans, chickpeas, peas, lentils, vegetarian burgers (made from soy beans, millet, mug beans or lentils).
Whole Grains:  Quinoa, brown rice, millet, wheat berries , oatmeal, amaranth, buckwheat.
Vegetables and Fruits: 3 cups of green vegetables a day, lettuce, spinach, kale (important to incorporate in meals)., Swiss chard, radish, horseradish, onion family (garlic, shallot, leeks, scallion) -  wash well with organic raw vinegar.  Eat broccoli, carrot, tomato, cabbage, asparagus, celery, banana, mushrooms, cucumber. Apples, oranges, grapes, guavas, pineapples, mangoes, avocado.  Eating strawberries and goji berries can help relax the arteries and prevent heart attacks.

Nuts and seed Rich in vitamin E, Omega 3 oil and Lecithin: Almond, hazelnut, flax seed, chia seed, pumpkin seed, walnut and sunflower sprout.

Animal products, Source of  Omega 3 oil: sardine, salmon, mackerel and other deep/cold water fish. Raw honey (the only sweetener that reduces fatty accumulation in the vascular system) and bee pollen.

Below are a few recipes and tips that can help you to incorporate a few of the ingredients that I mentioned above into your meals.

Healthy Breakfast for your cholesterol: 

1) ½ cup rolled oats, 1 cup water or 1 cup milk almonds, rice or cashew, 2 Brazil nuts (if you are not allergic to nuts). 1 tablespoon raw honey(unprocessed) or stevia. 2-3 tablespoon wheat berries (soaked overnight or cooked), 1 tablespoon of flaxseed .1 slice of bread without gluten. It could be spelt or quinoa bread.
 2) 1 cup wheat berries, 4 tablespoons Greek yogurt, 1 Tbsp goji berries or your favorite dried fruit. ½ small chopped apple, 1 tablespoon raw honey or 1 sliced Date (Some of the sugar found in dates were shown to have potent antitumor properties. Another sugar, beta-D- glucan, regulates cholesterol and blood sugar levels by slowing down gut absorption of glucose). Nuts if you are not allergic.

Drink Oats:
Soak ½ cup oatmeal in 1 cup of water overnight in the refrigerator. In the morning put this in the blender and add 1 teaspoon of flaxseed and pure raw honey. You can add almond milk too; it contains calcium and is rich in vitamins and minerals. Add 2 Brazilian nuts (soaked with water in the refrigerator), they contain a high level of antioxidants, also you can add cashews, which are rich in protein and have properties that help reduce cholesterol absorption. Perhaps one of the major health benefits of cashews are the ability to help overcome depression.

Smoothies: You can create your own recipe with your favorite fruits and add chlorella.

Tuny's smoothie:
1 tablespoon chlorella,1 hand full of grapes, 1/2 banana, 1 apple.

Powerful antioxidant smoothie:
1 teaspoon chlorella, 2 Brazilian nuts soaked overnight, 1 cup almond or hemp milk, 2 dates, 4-5 strawberries, 1 handful of goji berries, 1/3 cup blue berries. Add water or ice if you want.

Algae berries smoothie:
1 tablespoon chlorella, filter water, 1 banana, 4-5 strawberries, 1 full handful of blueberries,  2 spoons of cranberries.

Green-banana smoothie: 1 teaspoon chlorella, 1 banana, 1 1/2 cup filtered water, 1  fresh orange juice, 1 tablespoon ground flax seed.

Eat goji berries:

·         Test studies are showing that Goji berries may prevent the growth of cancer cells, reduce blood glucose, and lower cholesterol levels. 
·         Protects the liver, helps eyesight, and supports kidney function.
·         Promotes longevity, brings life support to the blood and all internal organs
·         Rich in antioxidants.
Savor each berry individually, make a daily snack bag with nuts and gojis  or add to hot and cold cereals, blender fruit juice drinks, whole fruit and nut bars, baked goods, tea and fruit juice blends.

Use a quality salt: sea salt, pink himalayan salt.
Herbs: parsley, rosemary (digestion aid also anti- inflammatory)

Healthy Guacamole:

Portion 2 1/2 cups (10 servings of 1/4 cup)

The peas in this guacamole help reduce fat and add protein without diminishing the flavor.1 cup peas 1 ripe avocado, 1 clove garlic, minced, or 1 teaspoon crushed garlic, 2 Tablespoon of onion finely chopped, red and green pepper tiny pieces, 1 jalapeno small diced, Juice of 1 lemon 1  tablespoon fresh cilantro, 1/4 teaspoon  sea salt or to taste 1/4 teaspoon black pepper or to taste.  If using fresh or frozen peas, partially cook in boiling water for 2 minutes to soften, and then cool with cold water and drain. Peel the avocado and cut into large chunks. Mash avocado and peas together with a potato masher or fork, or if you want a creamier texture, use the food processor. Stir in sauce, garlic, scallions, lemon juice, cilantro.