Monday, January 28, 2013

Healthy Resolution for 2013

A new year full of freshness and new energy. Everyone has different resolutions, but I find most people have a few common goals they want to achieve:

  •      Lose weight
  •          Exercise and work out more often.
  •          Look fabulous and youthful.

Whoever wants to reach these goals needs to be committed to physical activity (at least 1 hour per day) and focused on emotional and mental well being.  You also need to invest your time and money in balanced meals containing healthy organic foods.   Here are a few tips to achieve these goals:

  • Detoxify your body: Drink 1 teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar with 1/3 cup of water in the morning.
  •  Avoid overeating - Never eat to the point of being full.
  •  Don't skip breakfast or any meal
  •  Do not eat late at night.  Eat dinner early as possible, small portion sizes and nourishing foods.
  •  Eat easily digestible foods
  •  Avoid refined products, intoxicants, too much salt, highly processed food, canned and frozen food. Fresh is always better.
  • Eating gluten-free can help to lose weight and will also help you to have better digestive health.
  • Eat more raw food -this is especially important in the cold weather - most people do not get enough fresh raw foods during the winter, so add a portion raw food - have a green juice or a portion of fresh greens with your meal.
  • Restrict you meat consumption.  Eat more digestible proteins, like fish.
  • Reduce your dairy and eggs intake. Dairy products cause mucus. 
  • Increase you consumption of seaweeds (organic minerals) such kelp, kombu and wakame. Minerals  are the most fundamentals nutrients.
 Eat less or eliminate from your diet refined sugar and refined white flour.  This is perhaps the most important, refined products like white flour and sugar more than any other food substance, devastates the mineral condition of the body and also upsets your metabolism.  These devitalized foods are deficient in the vitamins, minerals, and enzymes necessary for regulating glandular secretion and proper digestion.  Sugar has been shown to have many of the same characteristics as highly addictive drugs like cocaine.  Yes I know it sounds a little crazy but if you look at the impact sugar has on the brain it triggers many of the same responses as addictive drugs.  Humans need sugar but it should be natural sugars found in fruits and veggies, refined white sugar is highly detrimental to the body and consumption must be reduced to improve health.
  • Eat more whole grains
  • Increase you plant based foods – fresh local fruits and  vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, fiber, seaweed, fresh herbs, and sprouts.
  • Get healthy snacks, like nuts, seaweed, gluten free crackers, fresh fruits.
  • Get more fresh air, go outside and walk, and take the stairs!!
  • Be an optimist, lower you stress by practicing Yoga, Pilates, meditation, or even dancing :)
  • Rest more
Exercise not just to lose weight but to have fun.  Sufficient exercise is important for processing and burning up excesses and toxins. If you are a person that does not exercise frequently, look for what you like and what you enjoy – exercise doesn't mean going to a gym.  If you like to dance commit to dancing, it is great exercise.  There are many ways to get the exercise your body needs.  Even taking the stairs rather than an escalator or elevator can make a big difference.

I recommend looking for a physical activity where you can feel motivated and energetic. I few thing that I have tried that I can recommend based on what I enjoy are  Capoeira, TRX, Conditioning class, zumba, yoga, Pilates, these types of training and/or classes are fun and keep you in fantastic shape and most importantly improve your mental health which will increase your happiness.